Emergency Essence needed?
Try Pear, our rescue remedy.
It is also perfect for those who are new to flower essences.
Who We Are:
- The oldest flower essence line outside the U.K.
- Source of 20
flower essences prepared with the Bach Flower Essences method.
- An international authority with over 30 years' experience.
About Our Essences:
- They stimulate positive qualities such as kindness, happiness, and inner peace
- They are inspired by the Indian master teacher Paramhansa Yogananda
- They are based on over 30 years of research, and work for people, pets and plants
Flower Essences
Affirmation Deck
NEW! Affirmation Deck
20 flower essence cards of essential flowers and fruits. Energize your essence program with these affirmations! Post them in your home or office, or use them intuitively to select an essence program.
Flower Essence Kits
Retail (left) and Wholesale (right)
20% Off! Flower
Essence Kits
1/2-oz. Practitioner Kit and 1-oz.
Professional Set, each in 2 decorative blue
cardboard boxes.
Perfect for storage and travel. |